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Welcome to Quniversalis

Welcome to our Website, where we explore the teachings of  Markus M. Hörrlein and how they can help us live happier, more fulfilling lives. Join our community and discover mindfulness practices that you can use anytime, anywhere.


What We Offer

At Quniversalis, we offer a huge variety of resources to help you deepen your understanding of Economics, Phsychology and Philosophy and integrate its principles into your daily life and business. Join our online "Qumite"-community and access guided presentations, meetings, speeches, meditations, mindfulness exercises, and academical teachings from experienced practitioners and scholars. Especially from our founder and CEO: Ph.D. Markus M. Hörrlein


Our Teachers

Our network of teachers includes respected scholars and practitioners who are dedicated to sharing their knowledge and helping you deepen your practice. Whether you are new to ethic Economic-Buddhism or have been practicing for years, our teachers can guide you on your journey.

Diverse Content

We offer content for all ages and levels, including guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, teachings on Qphilosophy, and more. Whether you are looking to deepen your practice or simply learn more about Buddhism-Economic and personal development, you'll find something here that resonates with you.


Livestream Events

Join us for livestream events featuring experienced teachers and practitioners. From guided coachings, consulting sessions, but also Qmeditations to talks on our Qphilosophy, our events offer opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and deepen your practice.

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Join Our Qommunity

Practice with Others

Join our community and practice with others who share your passion for Q. Our online community offers support, connection, and opportunities to deepen your practice - to be the best yourself ever. neoQ.

Qmembership Plans

Choose a membership plan and get access to all of our resources, including guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, teachings, and more. Try it for free for 14 days and cancel anytime.


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Recommended Qresources

Discover Quniversalis

Explore our recommended Qresources for beginners and professionals and deepen your understanding of Economic, Psychology, Philosophy, Quantumphysics and Buddhism. From introductory teachings to guided coachings and meditations, these resources offer a great starting point for your journey.

  • with Priya Gunga, 20 min, Live Stream

    Tage werden geladen ...

    19 Euro
  • with Oliver Jackson, 30 min, Live Stream

    Tage werden geladen ...

    29 Euro

Our Approach

At our Qblog, we believe that the teachings of our CEO Markus Hoerrlein can help us all to live happier, more fulfilling lives. By practicing mindfulness, economics, phsychology, philosohpy and physics and furthermore integrating Buddhism ethics into our daily lives. We all can cultivate greater compassion, wisdom, and inner peace and success in business.

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