Holographic Psychology is the birth of a revolutionary course of understanding that all comprehension and associated behavior is being subjectively determined and manifested as part of the individual's psychological dynamics.

The Holographic Principle holds the information in any region of space and time exists on the surface of that region. Layers of the holographic, universal “now” go from the inception of the universe to the present. Universal Consciousness is the timeless source of actuality and mentality.
The holographic principle states that the entropy of ordinary mass (not just black holes) is also proportional to surface area and not volume; that volume itself is illusory and the universe is really a hologram which is isomorphic to the information "inscribed" on the surface of its boundary.
Along with David Bohm, Pribram proposed the holonomic brain theory which describes information as stored throughout the brain in the form of waves which give rise to holographic images.
According to the theory, a subject's vocabulary resides in a dynamic distributed representation-a hologram. Studying or recalling a word alters both the existing representation of that word in the hologram and all words associated with it.
Currently, although much progress has been made, neuroscience continues to have difficulty in addressing the hard problem of consciousness. Most research in neuroscience is based on classical physics. In this paper, we propose that consciousness is a quantum phenomenon.
In a nutshell, holographic duality suggests that the three-dimensional universe, like space inside black holes, is mathematically strung to the two-dimensional universe, like particle planes and magnetic fields. It basically presents the fabric of spacetime as a 3D hologram "projected" by 2D webs.
This holographic concept could explain a mystery about black holes, but the math may not represent reality. As theoretical physics delves deeper into the fundamental nature of reality, we're left to grapple with the questions it leaves us.
Holographic illusion, also known as Holography, is a breathtaking and sophisticated optical happening that brings out a sense of wonder and fascination. It is a ground-breaking technique that allows us to witness three-dimensional (3D) images perfectly materializing on a two-dimensional surface.
Holographic speech is when a single word is used to convey meaning. It is most often used to describe a specific way in which young children attempt to convey meaning. For instance, a child may say "up" indicating that she wants someone to hold her. Or, a child may say "juice" to indicate he wants a drink.
A holographic image preserves the intensity and direction of travel of light, and when properly lit, can reproduce a 3D image. A photograph, on the other hand, preserves only the intensity of light.
Another common misconception is that the Fourier transformation is globally spread across the entire brain cortex. This has led to misleading statements such as “The brain is a hologram.” Only one particular brain process is holonomic, the one taking place in the transactions occurring in its fine fibered web.
In the simulation hypothesis, as opposed to the self-simulation hypothesis, the first consciousness emerges out of a physical realm. This then leads to those consciousnesses creating technology that leads to ancestor simulations, where more consciousness emerges from the pure information of the simulation.
Perhaps the most supportive evidence of the simulation hypothesis comes from quantum mechanics. This suggest nature isn't “real”: particles in determined states, such as specific locations, don't seem to exist unless you actually observe or measure them. Instead, they are in a mix of different states simultaneously.
You may be able to escape by staying self-aware, achieving an abnormal amount, or simply asking for a way out. Even if we are in a simulation, you and your decisions matter. You would be (and are) totally unique and valid in who you are. May be...